Today's DIY/Crafty project is going to be a Decorative Confetti Bowl. This bowl makes for a great centerpiece for a coffee table, a treat bowl for Halloween, a decorative statement piece for your dining room table, or just a fun bowl to keep items in.
Items You Will Need for this Project:
- A Large Latex Balloon
- Confetti
- Mod Podge Craft Glue
- A Sponge Brush
- A Safety Pin (or similar sharp object)
- A Vase

(Image by Bologna Art Hotels on their website{}.)
Latex Balloons can be found just about anywhere. You can get a decent-sized bag from the dollar store for just $1.
Confetti should be pretty easy to find as well. Most dollar stores or major retailers and craft stores with party sections should sell it, and for a relatively inexpensive price. I bought mine from Dollar $tuff for just $1 per bag.Mod Podge comes in a variety of sizes, but for a project this size, the bottle you need is only about $4. You can find this at Walmart or any craft retailer.
Sponge Brushes are easy to find at just about any retailer. I purchased mine in a package of about 10 at Dollar Tree for $1.
Vases are another inexpensive item that can be found just about anywhere. We're only going to be using ours to balance our balloon/bowl while they're drying, so you don't need anything fancy. Dollar Tree carries basic glass vases for $1 apiece.
I first blew up my balloon & tied it.
Next, I used my sponge brush & began painting my craft glue onto the top half of the balloon.
Then, I began sprinkling my confetti onto the glued surface, until the glue was no longer visible.
Next, I painted another layer of craft glue on top of the confetti. Once the confetti is covered with the craft clue, set the bottom half of the balloon on the opening of your vase to allow it to dry.
When you're satisfied with the thickness of your bowl, pop your balloon with the safety pin or sharp object of your choosing, and remove the balloon.

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